St. John's Lutheran Preschool

It is the goal of St. John's Lutheran Preschool to provide a Christ-centered education program in which children of the community will grow spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally.

All students are welcome.  St. John's Lutheran Preschool  admits students regardless of race, color, ethnic or nationality. Please call the church office at (217) 483-2612 for more information.


The goals of St. John's Lutheran Preschool are threefold:

  1.  Teach each child that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to this earth to give His life to save sinners.
  2. Develop the God-given talents and abilities of each child and encourage them to grow spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally.
  3. Ensure each child is ready for kindergarten through the use of a developmental program consisting of 
  • Science and science experiments that allow students to explore the world around them through the use of their 5 senses.
  • Music by integrating concepts like rhythm, tempo, sounds, and movement.
  • Art and crafts to explore creativity while learning about shapes, color, and spatial recognition.
  • Social Studies and monthly themes to learn more about the world around us and develop our socio-emotional learning.
  • Math Readiness in learning both our numbers and concepts like sequencing, order, and grouping.
  • Language Arts in learning about letter recognition, letter sounds, and beginning stages of reading comprehension.
  • Physical Education both on the playground and in the gym while being active.
  • Bible Stories and learning more about how God cares for us, save us, and sustains us through every day.

Class Schedule and Times

3 year old class (on or before Sept. 1)

 Tuesday and Thursday     8:30 am to 11:30 am     

4 year old class (on or before Sept. 1) 

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday     8:30am to 11:30 am    

Tuition and Fees

Registration Fee (non-refundable) $55

3 year old class $130/month

4 year old class $150/month

$10 discount will be given to families that have 2 children enrolled in the program regardless of class.

A Day in the Life of a Preschooler

Click the link above to see what a day is like in preschool!!

